RD's Turf Tips
Where to start to get a Green and Weed Free Lawn?
- RD's Total Lawn
- February 26, 2025
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How easy or hard is it to get the lawn that I want? Also what goes into having a green and weed free lawn? We want to answer those questions today for you.

Where to start to get a Green and Weed Free Lawn?
February 26, 2025
Good things take time!

The best things in life can take time and consistency. To start this conversation off we want to set the proper expectations for you. Depending on the current condition of your lawn it could take some time even as long as 18 to 24 months to really get your lawn into a good spot. If your lawn has been property cared for that timeline could be much less!
Integrated Pest Management Pyramid

In order to start this conversation we have to reference the IPM Pyramid. This lays out the four key components when it comes to having a healthy lawn. There isn’t a one tactic approach as it’s more of a rounded approach. All of this is built upon a good foundation in cultural health and it builds upon there.
Cultural (the foundation)
A healthy lawn starts with the Cultural aspect of it. Such as what type of grass type do we have for the climate we are in? Does your grass type meet the area of the country you are in? In Bucks County being the northeast we prefer to have a cool season type turf such as tall fescue or Kentucky blue. If you have warm season turf you can still have a healthy lawn but the approach will be slightly different. Are you performing proper mowing techniques such as the 1/3rd rule. Do you maintain proper watering tactics during dry and hot seasons? These are all key things to consider because if you aren’t doing these things the other tactics we will implement may not be that effective.

There are some mechanical things that need to get done regularly to your lawn in order to keep it in good shape. Some common ones would be managing the level of compacting and thatch in your lawn. If you have a very compact soil or a thick thatch layer nutrients will have a hard time entering the soild. One annual mechanical process we highly recommend is Aeration to relieve compaction. More details about that can be found here at https://www.rdtotallawn.com/aeration-and-overseeding/
Biological is in reference to the living organisms being insects, parasites, or fungus in the lawn. There will always be insects and such in the lawn and turf however you want to manage the level of them and the type. For example, some insects in the lawn have benefits however grubs in y

The goal with chemical applications is always to use the least amount possible to get the desired result. If you are putting focus into the other 3 categories and have some good fertilizer applications going down, then the need for a herbicide will be minimal. However, in order to get the lawn you desire these still will be a necessary step. Pre-emergent are ideal to control the pest (weed) before it starts to grow. Some will still end up growing but from there you can use a post application to kill out the weed. Typically a selective herbicide that will remove the weed and not hard the turfgrass. For more details on our program and information feel free to check out this page https://www.rdtotallawn.com/fertilization-weed-control-langhorne-pa/
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Where to start to get a Green and Weed Free Lawn?
February 26, 2025